#!/bin/bash # 45Drives- Brett Kelly # Stable 1.0 # To get an estimate of how long this will take # ETC = (Time to List index objects) + (Time to list non-ec pool objects) + (# Number of Bucket Shards) * (# of failed MPU) * (time it takes to list an omap key) usage() { # Help cat << EOF Usage: [-b] S3 Bucket name. Required [-e] RGW S3 Endpoint. Required. IP or FQDN is supported. i.e [-c] This flag will tell the script to remove the underlying MPU objects. By default script will run in "dry-run" mode and not delete any underlying objects, only printing to stdout what would be done. [-h] Displays this message EOF exit 1 } check_dependancies(){ for i in "${!SCRIPT_DEPENDANCIES[@]}"; do if ! command -v ${SCRIPT_DEPENDANCIES[i]} >/dev/null 2>&1;then echo "cli tool: ${SCRIPT_DEPENDANCIES[i]} is not installed" echo "${SCRIPT_DEPENDANCIES[@]} are required" exit 1 fi done } check_endpoint(){ if [ -z $ENDPOINT ];then echo "Error: Ceph RGW S3 endpoint required" usage else echo "checking to see if endpoint is listening..." if ! curl $ENDPOINT >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Error: endpoint $ENDPOINT is unreachable" exit 1 fi fi } check_s3_access(){ if [ -z $BUCKET_NAME ];then echo "Error: Bucket name required" usage else echo "checking to see if s3 creds work and if bucket exists..." if aws --endpoint-url=$ENDPOINT s3api head-bucket --bucket $BUCKET_NAME 2>/dev/null ; then echo "Bucket $BUCKET_NAME exists" else echo "Error: Either bucket $BUCKET_NAME does not exist or s3 credentials are incorrect/dont have permission to access bucket" exit 1 fi fi } ECHO_IF_DRYRUN="echo" SCRIPT_DEPENDANCIES=(aws jq radosgw-admin) DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") UUID=$(uuidgen | cut -d - -f 1) while getopts 'b:e:d:i:ch' OPTION; do case ${OPTION} in b) BUCKET_NAME="${OPTARG}" ;; e) ENDPOINT="${OPTARG}" ;; c) ECHO_IF_DRYRUN= ;; h) usage ;; esac done if [ $# -eq 0 ];then echo "User input is required" usage exit 1 fi check_dependancies check_endpoint check_s3_access if [ "$ECHO_IF_DRYRUN" == "echo" ];then echo "*******************************" echo "RUNNING IN DRY RUN MODE..." echo "To commit process use '-c' flag" echo "*******************************" fi echo "Getting bucket stats for $BUCKET_NAME..." BUCKET_STATS_JSON=$(radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket $BUCKET_NAME) if [ -z "$BUCKET_STATS_JSON" ];then echo "Error getting bucket stats, bucket does not exist" exit 1 fi echo "Getting list of failed multipart uploads..." MPU_JSON=$(aws --endpoint-url=$ENDPOINT s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket $BUCKET_NAME) if [ -z "$MPU_JSON" ];then echo "There are no failed multipart uploads present in bucket : $BUCKET_NAME" exit 1 fi # Determine which rados pools are used by the bucket BUCKET_PLACEMENT=$(echo $BUCKET_STATS_JSON | jq -r '.placement_rule') # default-placement BUCKET_ZONE_ID=$(echo $BUCKET_STATS_JSON | jq -r '.marker' | cut -d . -f 1) # 05681bdc-46bb-4cc2-8098-3db875a692cd PLACEMENT_POOLS_JSON=$(radosgw-admin zone get --zone-id=$BUCKET_ZONE_ID | jq -r --arg placement "$BUCKET_PLACEMENT" '.placement_pools | .[] | select(.key==$placement)') RGW_DATA_POOL=$(echo $PLACEMENT_POOLS_JSON | jq -r '.val.storage_classes.STANDARD.data_pool') RGW_INDEX_POOL=$(echo $PLACEMENT_POOLS_JSON | jq -r '.val.index_pool') RGW_EXTRA_POOL=$(echo $PLACEMENT_POOLS_JSON | jq -r '.val.data_extra_pool') # Verify each data,index and extra bucket exists on the cluster # VERIFY THAT DATA_POOL IS EC quit if its replicated CEPH_POOLS=( $(ceph osd pool ls) ) for pool in $RGW_DATA_POOL $RGW_INDEX_POOL $RGW_EXTRA_POOL ; do if [[ ! " ${CEPH_POOLS[*]} " =~ " $pool " ]];then echo "error: $pool is not present in list of ceph pools. Error determining placement data pools" echo "RGW_DATA_POOL : $RGW_DATA_POOL" echo "RGW_INDEX_POOL : $RGW_INDEX_POOL" echo "RGW_EXTRA_POOL : $RGW_EXTRA_POOL" exit 1 fi done BUCKET_ID=$(echo $BUCKET_STATS_JSON | jq -r '.id') BUCKET_MARKER=$(echo $BUCKET_STATS_JSON | jq -r '.marker') BUCKET_SHARD_COUNT=$(echo $BUCKET_STATS_JSON | jq -r '.num_shards') MPU_COUNT=$(echo $MPU_JSON | jq '.Uploads | length') # Get list of index objects echo "Listing index pool objects. This may take some time..." RGW_INDEX_POOL_OBJECTS=( $(rados -p $RGW_INDEX_POOL ls | grep $BUCKET_ID) ) echo "Listing extra pool objects. This may take some time..." RGW_EXTRA_POOL_OBJECTS=( $(rados -p $RGW_EXTRA_POOL ls) ) ## Loop through each failed MPU echo "Starting to remove failed MPU rados objects..." i=0 while [ $i -lt $MPU_COUNT ]; do UPLOAD_ID=$(echo $MPU_JSON | jq -r .Uploads[$i].UploadId) UPLOAD_KEY=$(echo $MPU_JSON | jq -r .Uploads[$i].Key) MPU_META_OBJ=""$BUCKET_MARKER"__multipart_"$UPLOAD_KEY"."$UPLOAD_ID".meta" echo "Removing omap keys and data objects for upload: $UPLOAD_KEY.$UPLOAD_ID : [$(( i + 1 )) / $MPU_COUNT]" if `rados -p $RGW_EXTRA_POOL get $MPU_META_OBJ - &>/dev/null`;then echo ".meta object is present in extra pool. Use s3 client to abort" if [ "$ECHO_IF_DRYRUN" == "echo" ];then echo "aws --endpoint-url=$ENDPOINT s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --key $UPLOAD_KEY --upload-id $UPLOAD_ID" else echo "aws --endpoint-url=$ENDPOINT s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --key $UPLOAD_KEY --upload-id $UPLOAD_ID" >> mpu-$DATE-$UUID.log fi else for index_obj in "${RGW_INDEX_POOL_OBJECTS[@]}" ; do OMAP_KEYS=( $(rados -p $RGW_INDEX_POOL listomapkeys $index_obj | grep "$UPLOAD_KEY.$UPLOAD_ID") ) for key in ${OMAP_KEYS[@]}; do $ECHO_IF_DRYRUN rados -p $RGW_INDEX_POOL rmomapkey $index_obj $key if echo $key | grep -vq ".meta";then $ECHO_IF_DRYRUN rados -p $RGW_DATA_POOL rm "$BUCKET_MARKER"_"$key" fi done done fi let i=i+1 done if [ "$ECHO_IF_DRYRUN" == "echo" ];then echo "*******************************" echo "Dry Run complete" echo "To commit process use '-c' flag" echo "*******************************" else echo "*******************************" echo "Finished removing failed MPU objects" echo "Space is now freed in the cluster, but a bucket reshard is required to update bucket metadata" echo "radosgw-admin bucket reshard --bucket=$BUCKET_NAME --num-shards=" echo "*******************************" fi